My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A Full-blown Five stars from me! I love a writing style that's fresh and bright and makes me feel what's happening is 'real', rather than one where it seems the author is trying to make the writing sound original, thereby pulling me away from the immediacy of the action. This story has plenty of energy and drive and plonked me right in the midst of it - sweeping me away into uncertainty and jeopardy.
I loved Into the Darkest Corner by the same author, so I'd highly recommend that book alongside this one. 'Revenge of the Tide' has more atmopshere and colour in the settings (anyone who knows my writing knows I love the otherworldly richness of stories set on canals, lakes and rivers). The dingy night-club contrasts with the open-air homeliness of the canal boat. This book also has less psychological menace, which makes it a Murder Mystery, rather than a Pyschological Thriller. An excellent read.
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